HomeFinancial WellnessThe Symbiotic Relationship Between Financial Wellness and Physical Wellbeing

The Symbiotic Relationship Between Financial Wellness and Physical Wellbeing

Financial wellness and physical wellbeing are two dimensions of health that are often discussed separately. However, a growing body of scientific research supports the idea that these aspects of our lives are interconnected in complex ways. We are exploring the symbiotic relationship between financial wellness and physical health, highlighting the impact each has on the other. By examining these links, we can better understand the importance of addressing both financial and physical health for a more comprehensive approach to overall well-being.

Financial stress is a common source of anxiety and stress for many individuals. When facing financial difficulties or concerns, the body responds by releasing stress hormones such as cortisol. Chronic exposure to elevated cortisol levels has been associated with a range of negative health outcomes, including an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, and mental health disorders. This stress-induced physiological response can directly impact physical wellness and overall health. A study found a significant association between financial stress and increased inflammation, which is a known risk factor for various chronic diseases.

Financial wellness can also affect access to healthcare, healthy food, and the ability to engage in physical activity. People with limited financial resources may delay or forego medical care, leading to undiagnosed or untreated health conditions. Moreover, lower-income individuals often have limited access to fresh, nutritious foods and may face barriers to engaging in physical activities or maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Research shows that financial strain can be associated with reduced physical activity, increased smoking, and unhealthy eating habits, all of which contribute to poor physical health.


Understanding the connection between financial wellness and physical health emphasizes the need for a holistic approach to well-being. Here are some strategies to improve both aspects:

  • Financial Literacy and Planning: Developing financial literacy and planning can help reduce financial stress. Individuals who understand their financial situation and plan for the future are better equipped to manage stress and make informed financial decisions.
  • Stress Reduction Techniques: Engaging in stress reduction techniques like mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, and regular physical activity can mitigate the physiological effects of financial stress.


Scientific research supports the idea that financial wellness and physical health are intricately linked. Financial stress can lead to physiological responses that negatively impact physical health, while limited financial resources can hinder access to healthcare and healthy lifestyle choices. Recognizing and addressing these connections is essential for a comprehensive approach to overall well-being. By improving financial literacy, reducing stress, and advocating for accessible healthcare, individuals can better support both their financial and physical wellness, ultimately leading to a healthier and more balanced life.



  • Cohen, S., Janicki-Deverts, D., Chen, E., & Matthews, K. A. (2012). Childhood socioeconomic status and adult health. Psychosomatic Medicine, 74(2), 155-163. 
  • Courtemanche, C., Marton, J., Ukert, B., Yelowitz, A., & Zapata, D. (2015). Early impacts of the Affordable Care Act on health insurance coverage in Medicaid expansion and non-expansion states. American Journal of Public Health, 105(3), 616-624.