HomeMeditation & SleepSa-Ta-Na-Ma For Peace Of Mind

Sa-Ta-Na-Ma For Peace Of Mind

Our minds are incredible entities capable of life-changing and health-reversing abilities. Sometimes, though, this powerful vehicle can get overtaken by negative thoughts, leaving us susceptible to illness and a poorer quality of life.

The Sa-Ta-Na-Ma meditation practice is an ancient Indian practice of the Kirtan Kirya yoga tradition. “Kirtan” translates to “song” or “praise,” and “Kirya” means “action” or “to do” in Sanskrit.

This meditation combines the chanting of the “Sa-Ta-Na-Ma” mantra while tapping your thumb to each one of your fingertips. The vibration of this recitation is said to stimulate 84 acupuncture points in the roof of the mouth, producing fascinating health effects.

Practicing the Sa-Ta-Na-Ma Meditation in 12-minute intervals has been recognized by the medical community as a powerful tool for stimulating brain cognition and activating certain parts of the brain that control memory.

The Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation have even identified this meditation as a valuable tool for Alzheimer’s care and prevention.

A supportive study investigating the effects of different meditation practices on cognitive functions found evidence for positive cognitive benefits. Research demonstrated that the areas of the brain controlling attention ability were activated after performing the meditation.

The Sa-Ta-Na-Ma meditation is a science-backed practice that can bring you peace of mind while offering you the potential for improved cognitive function and mental well-being.


Marciniak, Rafał, et al. “Effect of meditation on cognitive functions in context of aging and neurodegenerative diseases.” Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 8 (2014): 17.